Women Infant and Children Program (WIC)
The WIC program aims to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care. Pregnant people and their children up to age 5 are eligible to receive nutritional education, access to food and formula, and breastfeeding education. Program eligibility guidelines can be found here.
To sign up for WIC, please call us at 360-875-9343 or 360-642-9349!
Breastfeeding Support
WIC is here to help you meet your breastfeeding goals. We have breastfeeding experts on staff to answer your questions and address your concerns before and after your baby is born. We know breastfeeding can sometimes be challenging in the beginning, but it gets easier. WIC can help you through these challenges and keep you breastfeeding. Examples of support provided includes:
The greatest variety and amount of nutrient-rich foods for moms who breastfeed the most.
Fully breastfeeding and partially breastfeeding moms with WIC foods for up to a year.
Access to breastfeeding experts, including lactation consultants and peer counselors.
Breast pumps for moms working or going to school.
Extra support for moms with special health needs and at-risk babies.
Call us today to connect with a breast feeding support expert or to check out one of our hospital grade breast pumps. 360-642-9349
Stay up to date on WIC and Breastfeeding program changes by visiting the Washington State Department of Health WIC Nutrition Program page.