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Children and Youth with Special Care Needs (CYSHCN)

CYCHSN Program Coordinator

(360) 214-2616

The Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program supports families and providers that provide support for infants and children and youth up to age 18 years who have or are at risk for chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional conditions and require health and related services of a type or amount beyond what is generally needed. The program helps families with resources and linkages to community services including family support, care coordination, and health information.  

"The SMART (School Medical Autism Review) Team consists of community service providers who have the experience and passion for supporting local families. The SMART team will make recommendations or referrals to a Certified Center of Excellence (COE) Provider who is able to evaluate and provide an Autism diagnosis if one is warranted."

Chiles, Christie. “Smart Team.” The Arc of Grays Harbor, 2022, 

Pacific County's CYCHSN Program Coordinator has put together a resource guide for all resources relating to the assistance of families and individuals with special health care needs. Click the button below to access the guide.

Anyone can make a referral to the SMART Team for a child 10 years of age or younger, including medical professionals, school districts, service providers, and parents. There is no cost to families for this service. (If you are from an agency/school district/medical office etc. and are referring a family to the SMART Team, we ask that you please inform the family about the referral prior to sending it in, thank you.)

If you are interested in receiving information related to programs and services for individuals with special health care needs, please follow the button below to the form. You can then fill out the form and our coordinator will contact you.

We have an advocate to help connect families with special health care need children with resources to help specifically for what their child needs. You can call our CYSHCN representative at the number below:

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